Changes to your chalet holiday this winter season.


Changes to your chalet holiday this winter season.

This winter season is going to be very different for guests and staff all over the Alps. Here at Ice and   Fire we hope to retain some normality to your ski holiday, providing you our home from home service with as minimal disruption as possible. We would like to ensure you we will be following strict guidelines to put guest safety and our staff safety at the top of our list.


Before our season starts staff receive in depth training in all aspects of your chalet holiday. This year we will be adding extra training modules to include covid-19 cleaning, safety and procedures. We only deal in high standards and this extra training will be no exception. Staff we be following strict cleaning schedules which include communal areas and guests bedrooms and bathrooms. High touch points will be cleaned more regularly and we ask guests to be conscious about how much contact they have with high contact points such as banisters and door handles.  Cleaning checks will be carried out of a daily basis by management to ensure your chalet is kept to a high standard of cleanliness.

Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer has become and every day feature of our lives and it could be for months to come. Hand Sanitizer will be available in the chalet and both chalet staff and guests will be asked to use on entering and departing the chalet. We will also ask guests and staff to use hand sanitizer when coming into contact with high contact areas, before eating or preparing food, any time where you might sneeze or cough or blow your nose. We recommend adding Hand sanitizer to your list of holiday essentials for going about the mountain.


Arrival and departure

Arriving and departing the chalet will be slightly different this year due to new regulations and to allow staff to clean your chalet to a very high standard after the previous guests. Guest will now not be permitted to enter the chalet until 4pm on arrival days and you must depart the chalet before 10am. We understand you may want to ski on arrival or departure day and will endeavour to help you ski by storing your bags but you will unfortunately not be allow to re enter for any reason.

When you arrive we will ask you to wash your hands thoroughly before settling in. Staff will then be on hand to assist you in cleaning your luggage; this will include high touch areas such as the handles and outside of your cases.

During your Stay

During your stay we will be asking anyone entering the chalet to wash their hands, this includes any suppliers, staff and all guests. We understand that it will be difficult with skis, boots and jackets etc but we will ask you to change in our boot rooms and then make your way to the available hand wash sink.  During your stay we will also ask you to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue if you cough or sneeze – tissues are available in all of our chalets. On catered days our staff will continue to clean your bedrooms and bathrooms as normal.

If you become unwell

If In the event you become unwell during your stay with us. If this does happen our staff will be on hand to assist you in whichever way needed. If you display covid-19 symptoms at any time of your stay it is crucial that you seek medical attention and stay isolated in your room and alert a member of your party or staff. This is imperative for guest safety and staff safety, isolating gives us a great upper hand at controlling the potential spread inside the chalet.


As mentioned earlier, our staff will be highly trained in all aspects of covid training but they will also be wearing masks and where needed extra protection, to not only ensure you are protected but also for their safety. Our staff will be on hand to help you, if needed.



Breakfast will be slightly different, instead of our buffet type set up we will be using single use items. Individual portions of butter, jam etc will hopefully help to prevent any possible spread. Juice, Tea and coffee will be poured for you at your table to enable you to be seated as much as possible. You will also be asked to share milk jugs within your individual groups. Croissants will of course be available everyday as will our hot option, porridge and bread.

Afternoon tea

When it’s time to unwind after a long day out on the mountain we usually offer a help yourself afternoon tea. This year we only be slightly different with us serving cut cake on plates designated for your individual group. With guests who have sole occupancy of the chalet this will not apply. We will ask you to be courteous to other guests staying in the chalet when making your tea and coffee in mind of social distancing.


Dinner should not be disrupted as it is all served to you at your table, with this is mind we will ask you to share water jugs, Bread baskets and butter in your individual groups. Wine will be served by your host to your table. We will ask guests to remain seated as much as possible during dinner.

Canapés and cocktails will be served also in your individual groups.



We will of course still be serving cheese and providing our famous cheese speech on catered evenings. This year we will serve cheese to each individual group for you to share.

We hope these restrictions and regulations ease your mind in booking your stay with us. If there is anything you would like to discuss please feel free to email us. We look forward to seeing you this winter season.

Take care,

